Find out what’s going on!

Interested in finding out what’s going on in Pukekohe with the Community Policing Team? Come along to our September meeting!

Wednesday 27 September 2023
The Stevenson Room, Franklin: The Centre, 12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe.

Item 1: Welcome to all
Item 2: Brief report from our organisations: Bring us up to date with your activities over the past month.
Item 3: Presentation from the Pukekohe Communities Policing Team: Constables Nardine Mackwood-Smith and Keven Greasley will speak about the general trends in incidents they are dealing with and some of the positive events they have been involved in across our community.
Item 4: General Business
A light morning tea will be provided.
For catering purposes, please RSVP to
We look forward to the opportunity to network with you all.